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000376_owner-lightwav…mail.webcom.com_Sun Aug 20 01:17:49 1995.msg
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Date: Sun, 20 Aug 1995 01:20:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: Manuel Coats <mcoats@qnet.com>
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To: Terry Wester <advmedia@iadfw.net>
Cc: lightwave@mail.webcom.com
Subject: Re: Lightspeed #2 Audio
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On Sat, 19 Aug 1995, Terry Wester wrote:
> I wrote:
> >I just got the 2nd issue of light speed and the audio is about 7 second
> >ahead of the video threw the whole tape! I tried to watch it but it gave
> >me a headach. Any one else recieved a tape with the same problem? and are
> >the people at lightspeed going to do anything about it?
> I just solved my own problem. I just tryed another VCR that has HiFi audio
> and discovered that the HiFi tracks are in sync with the video and the
> normal tracks are not. How strange, I would like to know how that happpend.
> Terry Wester
> Advanced Media
The tapes we have seen did not have these problems, although we did
notice "some" audio deficiencies that needed correcting. I can assure
you that the problem lies with the tape duplication facility. The 1st tape
had some video problems which I believe were fixed on the 2nd one (at
least the dup house promised it would be) but now there seems to
be audio problems. Unfortunately since they have 500 machines recording
the tapes, we assume they are all going to be approx. the same, but as we
are finding out, some are not. We are in the process of moving to a new
duplication house for issue #3 to hopefully get rid of any of these pesky
problems once and for all. I appologzie to those who recieved a tape
with these characteristics, butourt master tape has none of thee problems
and we do check out about a dozen tapes before shipping to make sure
everything is in line.
Manuel Coats
Manuel Coats <mcoats@qnet.com> sent this message.
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